“Recent Travellers.” 1850. Fraser’s Magazine 42, no. 247 (Jul): 44-62. (Review of Aubrey De Vere’s Picturesque Sketches in Greece and Turkey. London: Richard Bentle, 1850)
[Craufurd, John.] 1852. “The Ionian Islands and their Government.” Fraser’s Magazine 46, no. 275 (Nov): 593-608.
“Turkey and the East of Europe in Relation to England and the West.” 1853. Fraser’s Magazine 47, no. 281 (May): 562-573.
“The Russo-Turkish Question.” 1853. Fraser’s Magazine 48, no. 288 (Dec): 711-726.
“A Day at Marathon.” 1854. Fraser’s Magazine 49, no. 292 (Apr): 396-400.
[Strachey, George]. 1854. “Germany, Greece, and the Scandinavian Powers in Reference to Russia and Turkey.” Fraser’s Magazine 49, no. 294 (Jun): 718-729.
Whyte-Melville, George. 1855. “The Old World and the New.” Fraser’s Magazine 51, no. 303 (Mar): 291-306.
- B. M. [Mansfield, Robert B.] 1857. “Shooting in Albania.” Fraser’s Magazine 56, no. 334 (Oct): 443-456.
Shirley [Skelton, John.] 1858. “Charles James Napier: a Study of Character.” Fraser’s Magazine 57, no. 338 (Feb): 254-268.
- M. P. “Conversations at Athens on Local Topics.” 1860. Fraser’s Magazine 62, no. 369 (Sep): 375-389.
[Sandars, T. C.] 1861. “Chronicle of Current History.” Fraser’s Magazine 63, no. 376 (Apr): 521-528 (here, the part of the article that relates to Greece)
[Sandars, T. C.] 1861. “Chronicle of Current History.” Fraser’s Magazine 63, no. 378 (Jun): 783-790 (here, the part of the article that relates to Greece)
“A Greek Ballad. Megas and Davéli.” 1862. Fraser’s Magazine 65, no. 385 (Jan): 91-95.
Cobbe, Frances Power. 1863. “A Day at Athens.” Fraser’s Magazine 67, no. 401 (May): 601-612.
- [pseud.] 1864. “In the Peiræus. A Reverie.” Fraser’s Magazine 69, no. (Feb): 170-172.
[Hayward, Abraham]. 1865. “The Writings of M. Edmund About.” Fraser’s Magazine 72, no. 427 (Jul): 58-76.
Hinchliff, T. W. 1867. “Athens and Pentelicus.” Fraser’s Magazine 75, no. 445 (Jan): 103-113.
[Stillman, W. J.] 1869. “The Cretan Insurrection of 1866-68. By a Resident of Crete.” Fraser’s Magazine 79, no. 471 (Mar): 29