The New Monthly Magazine

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. 1821. “Stanzas, Excited by Some Reflections on the Present State of Greece.” NMM 1, no. 5 (May): 523.

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. 1821. “Thoughts Awakened by Contemplating a Piece of the Palm Which Grows on the Summit of the Acropolis at Athens.”NMM 2, no. 11 (Jul): 59.

Greece.” 1821. NMM 2, no. 15 (Nov): 443-446.

Campbell, Thomas. 1822. “Song of the Greeks.” NMM 4, no. 23 (May): 451. (US edition)

  1. [pseud.] 1823. “Constantinople.” NMM 7, no. 27 (Mar): 198.

Hemans, Felicia. 1823. “The Farewell to the Dead.” NMM 7, no. 27 (Mar): 260.

  1. [pseud.] 1823. “The Prophecy of Constantine. » NMM 7, no. 28 (Apr): 326-330.

Hemans, Felicia. 1823. “Greek Song. – The Bowl of Liberty.” NMM 7, no. 28 (Apr): 337.

Hemans, Felicia. 1823. “Greek Song.– The Voice of Scio.” NMM 7, no. 28 (Apr): 352.

Hemans, Felicia. 1823. “Greek Song.– The Shade of Theseus.” NMM 7, no. 30 (Jun): 498.

The Gods of Greece. From Schiller.” 1823. NMM 8, no. 31 (Jul): 50-52.

  1. (pseud.). 1823. “Ancient Song of a Greek Exile.” NMM 8, no. 33 (Sep): 246.

Marco Botzari, the Achilles of the Modern Greeks.” 1823. NMM 8, no. 35 (Nov): 441-445.

Hemans, Felicia. 1823. “The Sleeper on Marathon.” NMM 8, no. 36 (Dec): 532.

The Patriot and the Apostate’s Daughter, or the Greek Lover’s Farewell.” 1824. NMM 9, no. 38 (Feb): 194-195.

  1. [pseud.] 1824. “The Sacrifice of Iphigenia.” NMM 10, no. 41 (May): 451-452.
  2. [pseud.] 1824. “Mahomet.” NMM 11, no. 44 (Aug): 137-138.

Σ. [pseud.] 1824. “Popular Songs of the Modern Greeks.” NMM 11, no. 44 (Aug): 139-148.

S., A. 1824. “To Greece.” NMM 11, no. 46 (Oct): 351.

  1. [pseud.] 1824. “A Grecian Dream.” NMM 11, no. 47 (Nov): 461.
  2. [pseud.] 1824. “Homer on the Banks of Scamander.” NMM 11, no. 48 (Dec): 565-566.

Hemans, Felicia. 1825. “The Suliote Mother.” NMM 13, no 51 (Mar): 293.

Hemans, Felicia. 1825. “Greek Funeral Chant.” NMM 13, no. 52 (Apr): 369-370.

The Greek Woman.” 1825. NMM 14, no. 56 (Aug): 174-175.

Pecchio, Giuseppe. 1825. “Greece in the Spring of 1825, by Giuseppe Pecchio. Part I.NMM 14, no. 58 (Oct): 291-320.

Hemans, Felicia. 1825. “Records of Woman, No III: The Bride of the Greek Isle.” NMM 14, no. 58 (Oct): 370-374.

Pecchio, Giuseppe. 1825. “Greece in the Spring of 1825, by Giuseppe Pecchio. Part II.NMM 14, no. 59 (Nov): 409-427.

XXX. [pseud.] 1825. “Stanzas.NMM 14, no. 59 (Nov): 469.

  1. [pseud.] 1825. “Sonnet: To the Ruins of Ionia.NMM 14, no. 59 (Nov): 473.
  2. [pseud.] 1826. “To Greece.NMM 16, no. 61 (Jan): 49.

Sismondi, J. C. L. Sismondi de. 1826. “De Sismondi on the Extermination of the Greeks.NMM 17, no. 67 (Jul): 90-95.

[Humphreys, William. H.] 1826. “Recollections of an English Officer in Greece, No. I.NMM 17, no. 68 (Aug): 172-181.

[Humphreys, William. H.] 1826. “Recollections of an English Officer in Greece, No. II.NMM 17, no. 69 (Sep): 201-208.

Campbell, Thomas. 1828. “Stanzas on the Battle of Navarino.NMM 22, no. 85 (Jan): 9.

Eleutherochori.” 1828. NMM 22, no. 86 (Feb): 164.

  1. [pseud.] 1828. “Written Near Mount Olympus.NMM 22, no. 90 (Jun): 509.

A Greek Wedding: Conjugé ΔΟΥΛΚΙΣΣΙΜΩ. Ancient Inscription.” 1828. NMM 23, no. 91 (Jul): 86-92.

Observations on the Greek Question.” 1828. NMM 23, no. 92 (Aug): 113-122.

The Dying Klepht to his Companion.” 1828. NMM 23, no. 95 (Nov): 427.

  1. [pseud.] 1829. “At Athens.NMM 25, no. 99 (Mar): 274.
  2. [pseud.] 1829. “Near Larissa, in Thessaly.NMM 25, no. 101 (May): 405.
  3. E. [pseud.] 1829. “Basilia: a Tale of Modern Athens.NMM 25, no. 101 (May): 432-444.

A Vision of Constantinople at Midnight.” 1829. NMM 26, no. 106 (Oct): 395.

Ode to the New Sovereign of Greece.” 1830. NMM 28, no. 112 (Apr): 359-360.

Greek Negotiation.” 1830. NMM 28, no. 115 (Apr): 483-490.

The Sublime Porte is to Regain the Whole of Western Greece, Now in the Hands of the Greeks. Note of the Ambassadors of England, France, and Russia, to the Reis Effendi, April 8, 1830.” 1830. NMM 29, no. 115 (Jul): 15.

  1. C. [Campbell, Thomas.] 1830. “Travels in Greece and Albania.NMM 29, no. 117 (Sep): 201-212.
  2. C. [Campbell, Thomas.] 1830. “Continuation of Remarks on Travels in Greece. By Mr. S. T. Hughes, B. D.NMM 29, no. 118 (Oct): 316-327.
  3. M. F. [Macfarlane, Charles.] 1831. “Greek Affray at Smyrna.NMM 32, no. 129 (Sep): 238-243.

The Mainote Mother.” 1831. NMM 32, no. 130 (Oct): 377-378.

Lines on a Melancholy Journey through Greece.” 1833. NMM 37, no. 146 (Apr): 230.




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