
The “Industrious Spiders of Modern Greece”

The “Industrious Spiders of Modern Greece” 2560 1728 REVICTO

An article entitled “From Corinth to the Parthenon”, published in The Cornhill Magazine on 7 December 1886, vividly describes a British tourist’s first impressions of Greece.  Upon arriving at Corinth,…

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William Miller’s “Women’s” chapter in Greek Life in Town and Country (1905)

William Miller’s “Women’s” chapter in Greek Life in Town and Country (1905) 1567 1580 REVICTO

William Miller’s (1864-1945) Greek Life in Town and Country, published in 1905, offers an overview of contemporary life in Greece at the end of the nineteenth century. The focus of…

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Mary Louisa Whately’s “Greek Slave” in Egypt

Mary Louisa Whately’s “Greek Slave” in Egypt 1024 583 REVICTO

In 1870, just after the Cretan Revolt of 1866-1869, Mary Louisa Whately (1824-1889), an English missionary in Egypt, published a story entitled “The Greek Slave,” returning to the figure of…

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“A Modern Nausicaa” and Tourism in Corfu

“A Modern Nausicaa” and Tourism in Corfu 1442 1800 REVICTO

“A Modern Nausicaa.” All the Year Round 4:87 (Aug 30, 1890): 210-216 At the dawn of mass tourism in the late Victorian period, Corfu was a very popular destination for…

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“A Legend of Corinth” by Elizabeth Youatt (1843)

“A Legend of Corinth” by Elizabeth Youatt (1843) 1280 1514 REVICTO

“A Legend of Corinth.” New Monthly Magazine and Humorist, 68:272 (1843): 440-448.   “Once again turn we back with lingering fondness to Corinth—tradition-haunted Corinth! As it was e’er its glory…

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“A Greek Hamlet” (1880)

“A Greek Hamlet” (1880) 400 701 REVICTO

“A Greek Hamlet.” Fraser’s magazine 610 (Oct 1880): 511-527 “A Greek Hamlet” fictionalizes and revises the story of Periander, Tyrant of Corinth in the 6th century BC, as found in…

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A British Hospital in Piraeus, 1897

A British Hospital in Piraeus, 1897 2339 1505 REVICTO

“The hospital at the Piraeus is one of the fruits of the English National Fund which the editor of the Daily Chronicle started on behalf of the Greek wounded.” (The…

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“The Highland mountains in the west, / I tell you are by far the best!”: a 1857 Scottish view of the Byronic Isles

“The Highland mountains in the west, / I tell you are by far the best!”: a 1857 Scottish view of the Byronic Isles 850 686 REVICTO

In 1857, Andrew Park, author of Egypt and the East, Or, Travels On Sea and Land (Glasgow, 1857) saw “the famous Isles of Greece”, the Paisley Herald and Renfrewshire Advertiser…

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Meteora: “The Monasteries in the Air” in the Victorian periodical press, 1880 and 1888

Meteora: “The Monasteries in the Air” in the Victorian periodical press, 1880 and 1888 2000 1563 REVICTO

Meteora, as a location of singular natural beauty as well as of particular interest to the students of Byzantine art, was included in Murray’s Handbook for Travellers in Greece from…

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Ancient Corinth, [between 1898 and 1946]

The Corinth of William Fullerton Cumming, 1839

The Corinth of William Fullerton Cumming, 1839 577 480 REVICTO

Notes of a wanderer, in search of health through Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey up the Danube, and down the Rhine (1839)   A post by Achillia Nefeli Daskalopoulou Auer*   Travelers’…

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Representations of Modern Greece
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