Representations of Modern Greece
in Victorian Popular Culture

Punch’s Handbooks to the Crystal Palace the Greek Court through Mr Owen Jones (1854) 1600 1200 REVICTO

Punch’s Handbooks to the Crystal Palace the Greek Court through Mr Owen Jones (1854)

The Greek Court is approached by a façade having three Grecian doorways of the Grecian Doric Order. The visitor is or may be arrested at…

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REVICTO in NAVSA 2020! [postponed for Nov. 2021] 910 506 REVICTO

REVICTO in NAVSA 2020! [postponed for Nov. 2021]

We are very pleased to announce that REVICTO will be travelling to Vancouver for the annual North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA) conference in November…

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Virginia Woolf in Tiryns 1906 2000 972 REVICTO

Virginia Woolf in Tiryns 1906

Virginia Woolf Diary [visit to Greece 1906] Sept. 24, 1906

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Kalamata in 1905 2000 1252 REVICTO

Kalamata in 1905

Kalamata is one of the pleasantest towns of the Peloponnesos. Situated in the rich Messenian plain, among orange groves which recall the golden fruit of…

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the new Athens 1914 800 593 REVICTO

the new Athens 1914

Mr. Thomas H. Mawson, the landscape architect, who has just returned from Athens, after a further interview with the King and Queen of the Hellenes,…

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George Gissing and the smoking mill-chimneys at Piraeus [1889, 1895] 2560 1827 REVICTO

George Gissing and the smoking mill-chimneys at Piraeus [1889, 1895]

Langley roused himself from oppressive abstraction, and put into better words this common sense of mirage due to the air and light of Greece. He…

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A Mountain Stronghold in Crete [1895] 1024 496 REVICTO

A Mountain Stronghold in Crete [1895]

On several occasions I have examined, from the deck of an ocean steamer, the rugged southern slope of the ” White Mountains,” which form the…

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An exciting new project has officially started! “Representations of Modern Greece in Victorian Popular Culture” will investigate the ways in which British Victorian popular literature…

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Representations of Modern Greece
in Victorian Popular Culture

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