
“The Highland mountains in the west, / I tell you are by far the best!”: a 1857 Scottish view of the Byronic Isles

“The Highland mountains in the west, / I tell you are by far the best!”: a 1857 Scottish view of the Byronic Isles 850 686 REVICTO

In 1857, Andrew Park, author of Egypt and the East, Or, Travels On Sea and Land (Glasgow, 1857) saw “the famous Isles of Greece”, the Paisley Herald and Renfrewshire Advertiser…

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Byron’s The Isles of Greece Revisited in 1897

Byron’s The Isles of Greece Revisited in 1897 1240 1755 REVICTO

The date is March 4, 1897. Henry Labouchère’s widely circulated London society journal the Truth publishes a parody of Byron’s ‘The Isles of Greece’ under the following introduction:  Byron is…

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Representations of Modern Greece
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