Fraser’s Magazine for Town and Country

Fraser’s “A Day at Marathon” and the Picturesque “Brigands” (1854)

Fraser’s “A Day at Marathon” and the Picturesque “Brigands” (1854) 1707 1078 REVICTO

The article “A Day at Marathon” was published in Fraser’s Magazine for Town and Country (April 1854). Fraser’s was a monthly edition devoted to politics, religion, and social conditions, rather…

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“In the Peiræus. A Reverie” – Fraser’s Magazine for Town and Country (1864)

“In the Peiræus. A Reverie” – Fraser’s Magazine for Town and Country (1864) 1500 1076 REVICTO

The tideless sea rocks with no rippling swell The huge ships borne upon its gloomy breast; No sound disturbs the silence save the bell Which marks the hour; and answering…

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